
Louka a květiny
„Chtěla bych, aby moje nohy vypadaly, jako když stojím v trávě.“ To je text zadání, který mi přišel od jedné slečny a o který jsem se chtěla podělit. Takováto zadání mám ráda, stejně jako sedět v trávě a prohlížet si mikro detaily květin, trav a plevelů. Ráda je přenáším na kůži ve stejných detailech. Příroda je téma, které nás neomrzí, je to nositelka života a proto nás nepřestane fascinovat.
The reason why mandalas are so popular is that they have a harmonizing and soothing effect on our psyche, thus affecting not only mental but also physical. Circle and geometric elements are the essence of perfection and symmetry that fascinates me. I like combining fine lines with stronger ones, what enhance mandalas’ dynamism and attractiveness.
Mandalas are a time-consuming tattoo that takes 2-3 hours, but it is worth your bravery.
Maori tattoos have been my interest and hobby for over 6 years. In my opinion, it is essential for the Maori to be 'tailor-made' to the wearer, that is, to respect the muscles to fit on them nicely. That's why I first render Maori tattoo sketch on the skin and the final design is created afterwards. As for the themes, I am inspired by the best Polynesian authors I admire, therefore achieving the authenticity of the appearance and the preservation of the original symbol meaning.
Maori is technically and hence even time-consuming tattoo. On average (depending on the size of the tattoo and the size of the model) it takes 7 sessions over 3-4 hours.
Drawings and abstract
I enjoy drawing designs based on your desires so that they not only meet your wishes, but also they have a meaning for you. The motion, dream or life event can be projected to the design. The beauty of tattooing is that there are plenty of styles how to process the theme. Emotions and moods can be captured pleasantly with the abstract tattoo style.
I like geometric patterns and simple lines. I am fascinated by their perfection and symmetry. Perfect for those of you who hunger to live in harmony and order. If you have found yourself here, I would be glad to do your tattoo.